
SIMPLE App integration with National HMIS

The SIMPLE App, initiated as a pilot project in 2018 across eight countries, including Bangladesh, for hypertension management, has undergone revision. The Line Director of the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has requested the inclusion of features related to diabetes. The specific objective of this project is to facilitate the rollout of the app and establish a linkage with national DHIS2 systems. Additionally, it aims to visualize Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) data within the national web portal. HISP Bangladesh perform this project in collaboration with University of Oslo and NCDC of DGHS.

Md Nabiullah

HIS Development Specialist

He is one of the DHIS2 implementer with core development experience including frontend, backend, and interoperability. He is involved with several DHIS2 related projects locally and internationally. In recent years Mr. Nabiullah have worked in DHIS2 web API by developing Middleware for COVID-19 public reporting, web service, API end point to synchronize or data push-pull among in different systems e.g., OpenCRVS, HRIS.

Md. Mohidul Hasan

HIS Specialist

Mr. Mohidul is the DHIS2 implementer and national level trainer of HISP Bangladesh. He is working at HISP Bangladesh almost 4 years engaged with several DHIS2 project locally and globally. He is the key trainer of COVID19 surveillance system, Gender Based Violence(GBV) as well as HIV program. He has vast knowledge at Web Development sector and Already developed organizations own website also. He has already completed DHIS2 level-1 and level-2 academy from Bangladesh as well as completed couple of online DHIS2 academy to enrich his knowledge.

Shekh Md. Nazim Uddin

HIS Specialist

Mr. Nazim is the DHIS2 implementer and a trainer. He is involved with several DHIS2 related projects locally and internationally almost 8 years. He has knowledge about public health and vast knowledge about IT. He is involved with lots of Bangladeshi implementation of HIS sector. Experienced in cancer registry requirement analysis and design in dhis2. Also he is a focal person of eRegistry implementation in Matlab, Bangladesh from HISP Bangladesh side. Linkon also act as focal person of dhis2 country implementation in Maldives.

Md Nabiullah

HIS Development Specialist

I have completed B.Sc (hon’s) and M.Sc in Physics from Govt. Azizul Haque College, Bogura under National University.  During my study I was so much interested about Computer and after completing masters I got a job of lecturer but I decided to build career in computer programming when I got scholarship (of web programmer) from IDB-BISEW. I completed the post graduate diploma in Web Presence Solution and completed a six months internship (7th Batch) under National ICT internship program, Bangladesh Computer Council.

I liked programming so much so I don’t feel bother when I studying from GOOGLE after office in night or in office time. I like to solve complex issues and always thinking to build a proper logic in coding to solve the task by less processing. I started programming with C# and PHP but my first company mostly worked in web-based so I mostly worked in PHP, PostgreSQL, MySQL.

In recent years I have worked lots in DHIS2 web api by developing Middleware/Covid19 public reporting/Web service/API end point to synchronize or data push/pull automatically in two different system e.g. OpenCRVS, HRIS with maintaining and settle up of Linux Ubuntu Server.

I have worked with raw PHP with CodeIgniter, Laravel, YII, Phpfox,  MySQL, PostgreSQL, XML, AJAX, HTML, JavaScript, Jquery, Wordpress, Joomla, bootstrap, foundation, Pjax, CSS3, HTML5, QGIS,    Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe Flash, Adobe Premier pro, Filmora etc.

I have develop a system from top to bottom with functioning role based permission system of different activity/access to allow different users to work in different roles like super admin, sub-admin, group admin, data entry, registered user etcetera in a single system. Now I am able to develop any customized application/system needed.

In my 13 years of professional experience, now I am working as HIS Development Specialist at HISP Bangladesh Foundation. And previously worked at icddr,b as Programmer, at Zoom Group as Senior Software Engineer, at Codemen as Software Engineer, at Nogor Solutions as Web developer.

At icddr,b I have the responsibility of management of Web-based surveillance system of Kala-Azar in DHIS2 Central Server (MIS, DGHS). Also I have developed an automated data import system by DHIS2 Web API for generating automated suspected outbreak alert by email and mobile SMS, and some complex reporting with creating maps using QGIS which is needed by our team.

DHIS2 customization, Implementation, Database management and training experience for long days. Supporting the development of academy material and DHIS2. Ms. Fatema have long experiences in DHIS2 database, HMIS system design with evaluation of DHIS2 from the beginning of DHIS2 (2.0 to 2.x). She has particular experience in Urban HMIS in Bangladesh where there are multiple players involved to provide services including government and non-government stakeholders. (TOGAF 9.1 certified)

Nayeem Al Mifthah

Health MIS Expert

Having Public health, ICT, Planning, Statistics and data science related educational background, Mr. Nayeem is experienced across with different global development partners, and government on ICT, Health MIS, digital technology-based beneficiary and commodity tracking, public health, MNCH, EPI, Surveillance, Multisectoral Nutrition, M&E, GIS, assessment of interventions, and planning in Bangladesh and other LMICs across Asia and Africa. Experienced in diverse requirement analysis for HIS, design DHIS2 (aggregated, survey, tracking, surveillance etc.) and other open-source software with contextual standards and perform complex analytics. Nayeem is also worked as visiting faculty of Bangladesh University of Health Sciences on various subjects related to Health Informatics at Masters level including Standard and interoperability in HIS, Modeling Simulation and Visualization, Enterprise Architecture in HIS.

Kazi Shahidul Islam

Health MIS Expert

In a long career, Mr. Kazi Shahidul Islam has earned a nice blend of multi-dimensional businesses & multi-cultural people experience, and become very much skilled at understanding System Analysis, Users’ Needs, Business Process Optimization, Data Design, and Data Management in a variety of business sectors – hospitality, healthcare, retail, general-trading, maintenance & operations, etc. He is currently managing the teams for Mobile Apps, Cloud-based Startups, and e-Commerce Scheme in Dhaka and Dubai, and working on a larger platform that combines different technology and research.


Having implemented four major ICT projects in the last 20 years, Mr. Islam is very confident in the analysis and integration of ICT systems, ICT project management, and acting as the technology lead. He studied and worked for several System Architecture for different projects in different countries – India, Malaysia, Bangladesh, German, USA, Japan, Thailand, and UAE.

It would be worth-mentioning here that, the project of Evercare Hospital (the then Apollo Hospitals Dhaka) got the JCI certification. Mr. Islam led the development and implementation team of Hospital Information System (HIS) for about 4 years.

Mr. Islam had spent 6 years in Malaysia (1991 to 1997) and 10 years in Dubai (2008 to 2018). During his tenure in Dubai, he acquired a reputation for his passion of innovation and problem-solving skill. He is always having an ability to focus his entire talent to solve a complex problem which even may require a call to lead to get the things done. He always emphasizes on team building and team efforts – as a team leader or a team member he never falls aside the team.

Understanding environment and people around is one of his key abilities and thus his communication skill always rates him high. He can create a vision, which could be well accepted by the audience & client, create awareness among the end-users and implement the project with whatever the challenges to be conquered.

Mr. Islam obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 1989. He, then, joined a Research Program at University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) in 1991.

Current Projects of Mr. Kazi Shahidul Islam

Consultant – HiSP Bangladesh

Working with National MIS with DHIS2 system (National Dashboard for Covid-19)

Under DGHS, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Consultant – Patient Data Management, Urban Primary Healthcare Services Delivery Project

Financed by Asian Development Bank

UPHCSDP II, Under the Ministry of LGRD, The Government of Bangladesh

Short Time Consultant – at the World Bank

For an assignment with Health Nutrition & Population SAR 2

Under DGHS, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Contact With Us

Abdul Hannan Khan

Chief Executive Officer

Having 25 years of experience in project management in international environment with experience in working with international agencies, civil society and NGOS, including health sector, Mr. Khan have proven team leading expertise on several projects including implementation of District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2) as a national Health Management Information System, as a Community HMIS in Bangladesh and regional countries. He is supporting the customization implementation of DHIS2 in several countries throughout Asia/Pacific, including CRVS system, HMIS system in Maldives and Timor-Leste. He is the key person who implemented DHIS2 in Bangladesh, as well as he worked with WHO and Global Fund, UiO and other organizations for DHIS2 implementation and other HIS areas. Mr. Khan has vast experiences in large scale database management, security, DHIS2 server and database including integration with other DHIS2 and external applications.

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